Unrd – Solve Crime Game

CLIENT: Unsolved Studios Limited


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Do you just love to solve mysteries? UNRD is an app that includes stories from fictional characters that went missing or have been murdered. If you're looking of a unique app that turns you into an officer of the law or a detective, then this is the one for you. To start with, you can access several stories and a video from the last time the character was seen alive. You can then proceed to access their messages and social networks. Make sure that you read all the character's conversations to figure out what happened, where they were and who was the last person to see them alive. But, keep in mind that some of the conversations are blocked and as you continue to solve different clues, you'll have access to details that happened during the character's last hours. UNRD offers something for everyone. Choose the story that stands out to you the most and try to solve the mystery in record time. Can you make it to the end? Download the app and start experiencing these incredible stories.